
We are One and All

singer 平田志穂子
lyrics Lotus juice 
composer 目黒将司

I shall fear no evil

for MY loved ones will be with ME

YOU shall be not afraid

for YOUR loved ones will be with YOU

and WE shall be in hope

with faith WE believe

many may go

many may come

but ones that stays

I shall embrace THEM forever
(ずっと手放さないよ 永遠に)

WE are ONE and ALL
(僕らは一つ そして全て)

YOU don't need to feel alone no

WE are there for YOU

the day and night

WE strive for truth

if WE unite

I believe WE can change the world

SOME may offend

and SOME may harm

but nothing breaks the power of bonds

  (stay courageous and strong be as who YOU are I believe in the power of bonds)
  (勇気と強さを共にするんだ 僕らは確かに繋がってるから)

WE are ONE and ALL
(僕らは一つ そして全て)

YOU don't need to feel alone no

I am there for YOU

  (WE are ONE yeah YOU and I with hearts so strong no more cries I am there fou YOU)
  (僕らは一つ そうキミと僕は心で強く繋がってる もう泣かないで 僕は確かにそこに居るから)

WE are ONE and ALL
(僕らは一つ そして全て)

YOU don't need to feel alone no

cuz WE are there fou YOU

  (WE are ONE yeah YOU and I with faith so pure WE can yes cuz WE are there for YOU)
  (僕らは一つ そう キミと僕の真っ直ぐな信念 僕らはそれに応えられる だって僕らは確かにそこに居るから)

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